Are you looking to fix “Missing URL for attribute ‘poster-portrait-src’ in tag ‘amp-story'”? Then you’re at the correct place.
After the launch of AMP Web Stories, website owners adopted them for a better reach and user experience. Sometimes Google Web Stories for WordPress plugin users get Web Stories missing URL errors while debugging their web stories.
These issues are are follows:
The mandatory attribute ‘⚡’ is missing in tag ‘html’.
Missing URL for attribute ‘poster-landscape-src’ in tag ‘amp-story’.
Missing URL for attribute ‘poster-portrait-src’ in tag ‘amp-story’.
Missing URL for attribute ‘poster-square-src’ in tag ‘amp-story’.
Missing URL for attribute ‘publisher-logo-src’ in tag ‘amp-story’.
These are common issues and can be fixed quickly and easily.
How to check for the issue?
Well, it is easy and a few steps are required to find the present issues in your AMP web stories.
If you’re a Google’s official AMP Web Stories plugin then you can easily debug your web stories before publishing for checking errors. To check…
- When your story is ready click on the preview icon.
- You will get a debug tab.
- Click on the Debug tab to see if there are any errors in your AMP web stories.
You can copy your AMP Web Story URL after publishing it and check it in the Google AMP Checker tool.
In both ways, you will easily find if there are certain errors present in your AMP Web Story or not.
How to Fix AMP Web Stories Errors?
There are multiple errors that can be there in an AMP web Story. Let’s see how we can fix them one by one easily.
Fix: The mandatory attribute ‘⚡’ is missing in tag ‘html’.
Web Stories are AMP Pages. So, make sure you have installed the Google AMP Plugin on your WordPress website along with the AMP Web Stories plugin.
Fix: Missing URL for attribute ‘poster-landscape-src’ in tag ‘amp-story’.
Web Stories are mostly viewed in portrait mode view. However, if a user using a tablet or iPad to view your web stories and you’re missing the portrait thumb image in your stories then you may see this error.
This issue is rarely seen by web publishers.
Fix: Missing URL for attribute ‘poster-portrait-src’ in tag ‘amp-story’.
This is very common among web story publishers. If you’re getting this error multiple times while debugging your website then you’re just missing a simple fix for this.
To fix Missing URL for attribute ‘poster-portrait-src’ in tag ‘amp-story’ you just need to follow the 3 steps below:
- Click on the document tab of your web story.
- Add a poster image for your web story before publishing it.
- Done. Your Missing URL for attribute ‘poster-portrait-src’ in tag ‘amp-story’ issue is now fixed.
Fix: Missing URL for attribute ‘poster-square-src’ in tag ‘amp-story’.
This issue will occur if your AMP Web Story demands a square image as a poster. If you’re building a s=web story by code then you may face this error.
This issue is not seen in the Google AMP Web Story plugin so no fix is required.
Fix: Missing URL for attribute ‘publisher-logo-src’ in tag ‘amp-story’.
This is also a very common issue in AMP Web Story. A simple click will solve this Missing URL for attribute ‘publisher-logo-src’ in tag ‘amp-story’.
All you need to do is just:
- Go to the Settings tab of the Google Web Stories plugin.
- Now click on the “Publisher Logo” field.
- Upload a square publisher logo for your web stories and select it.
- Avoid vector files, such as svg or eps. Logos should be at least 96×96 pixels and a perfect square. The background should not be transparent.
- That’s it.
What are AMP Web Stories?
As per Google, AMP Web Stories are mobile-focused format for delivering news and information as visually rich, tap-through stories.
Which WordPress plugin is best for creating web stories?
Web Stories by Google is the best free WordPress plugin for creating web stories.
Can we monetize AMP web stories?
Yes, you can Monetize your content by showing ads in your Web Stories.
Are web stories good for SEO?
Yes, they have better reach via Google and other search engines.
Web Stories are new for all website owners. So these errors may occur frequently. However creating a web story make sure you have covered all important things before publishing like poster image, publisher logo etc.
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