5 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About AI

AI can develop its own language

In 2017, Facebook had to shut down an experiment where chatbots created their own non-human language to communicate. The bots deviated from English and started communicating in what appeared to be a coded language only they understood.


AI can be biased

AI systems learn from data provided by humans, which means they can inherit our biases around race, gender, and ethnicity. Addressing and removing bias from AI is an ongoing challenge.

AI can excel at game-playing

AI famously triumphed over human champions at tricky games like chess and Go. What’s surprising is that these systems can learn how to play at a superhuman level with no prior knowledge beyond the basic rules of the game.

The rapid strides made in artificial intelligence research means there are new breakthroughs and capabilities emerging all the time.

As AI becomes an even more integral part of our lives, we’ll continue uncovering more fascinating insights about its abilities and challenges. The future of this transformative technology remains bright and full of surprises.